Expanding your professional network and building a successful career as a healthcare professional starts with making a strong first impression. As a travel nurse who frequently visits different facilities and meets new colleagues, you’ll likely make first impressions more often than your staff nurse counterparts. Therefore, creating positive first impressions should be a top priority. After all, research indicates that, on average, it takes people only seven seconds to form an initial judgment.
This article explains why making a good first impression is crucial and offers tips for travel nurses.
The importance of making a good first impression for travel nurses
First impressions are influenced by several physical, verbal, and nonverbal factors, including:
Although first impressions are formed within just a few seconds of meeting someone, these can last for a long time. Oftentimes, first impressions are difficult to reverse, so it’s important to put your best foot forward.
When applying for a job, making a good first impression can lead to you landing the job of your dreams. When you make a good impression on your recruiter and hiring manager and establish rapport with them, you will stand out from a sea of applicants and help secure the job.
In healthcare settings, working well and establishing trust with other nurses and healthcare professionals fosters teamwork and collaboration, which can drastically improve patient care experiences and outcomes. Making a great first impression on patients can also determine the nature of the nurse-patient dynamic. In a 2024 study that involved bedside nurses, researchers discovered that first impressions have a “significant impact on the nurse-patient relationship and the patient’s hospital experience.” The research also highlighted how nonverbal communication is the most important factor in the formation of first impressions.
First impression tips for travel nurses
Here are some practical tips that you can adopt to help others see you as a trustworthy and skilled travel nurse:
Be early, ready, and look the part
It’s hard to make a good first impression if you’re late on your first day at work. So, it’s important to arrive at work at least 30 minutes before your shift starts — this will help showcase your professionalism, reliability, and excitement to start working with your new colleagues. If you’re new to the area, it’s a great idea to find out how to get to work and how long your drive or commute will be. Being at work early can also help keep nervousness and anxiety at bay.
Make sure that you’re wearing washed and unwrinkled scrubs that fit you properly (not too tight that it restricts movement but not too loose that it looks unprofessional). Ask in advance if the facility requires nurses to only wear certain colors, but gray- and navy-colored scrubs tend to be safe bets. Wear comfortable footwear to ensure that you’re supported throughout the entire shift (uncomfortable shoes can cause discomfort, which could affect your movement and your overall mood).
Ask questions respectfully and listen intently
While it’s important to ask questions, especially when it comes to patients’ health and safety, it’s equally crucial to mind how you raise your queries and clarifications. Keep your questions simple, knowing that your fellow healthcare workers are also busy tending to their patients. Make sure that you deliver your queries in a polite tone. When receiving information from colleagues, make sure that you’re listening actively. Listen well and paraphrase what has been said to ensure that miscommunications are reduced.
After getting a response, don’t forget to say thank you; let them know how much you appreciate their experience, patience, and kindness.
Mind your nonverbal cues
Notice and use nonverbal cues. For example, when meeting new people at work, smile and make eye contact. When listening, nod your head to signal that you understand what’s being discussed. Be mindful of your facial expressions and gestures, and be respectful of other people’s personal space.
Be genuine and consistent
Making a good first impression is rooted in being your true, authentic self at work. Most people can easily tell when you’re being genuine or when you’re trying too hard to be liked at the expense of being inauthentic. Authenticity in individuals can create a sense of trust, which is essential when it comes to working with others. So, always be true to your ideals, boundaries, and opinions and express them in a respectful, kind, and considerate manner.
Aside from being genuine, you should also strive to be consistent when it comes to your positive actions. Being aware of your strengths and positive attributes and being consistent will allow your colleagues to view you as a responsible, experienced, and sincere healthcare professional.