Nurturing Long-Distance Relationships as a Travel Nurse

As the job title implies, a large chunk of travel nurses’ time is spent traveling — this means that when they’re gone for work, they won’t be able to spend as much quality time in person with their loved ones as they’d like.

It’s no secret that it’s difficult to maintain relationships with your partner, children, family, and friends when you have to be away for extended periods. Long-distance relationships can be challenging to navigate, especially for first-time travel nurses who are, in a way, forced to embrace being in long-distance relationships overnight.

This article rounds up a few helpful tips to help travel nurses survive the obstacles of long-distance relationships and keep the love alive.

Communicate well and regularly (and discuss your communication preferences and needs)

Communication is an integral part of any healthy and strong relationship. And if you’re in a long-distance relationship, you should focus on communicating openly and regularly with your loved ones.

Of course, different people have different communication preferences. Before you leave for your travel assignment, you must find out your partner, friends, and family members’ communication wants and needs. Discover what schedules work for quick calls (before you head to work) or longer gab fests (such as during days off). Discuss what each other’s communication preferences and boundaries are.

A popular communication option is video calling, which allows you to see and hear your loved one in real-time and stay connected even though you’re apart. During the pandemic, video calling was incredibly helpful in reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially during lockdowns and travel restrictions. And in this post-pandemic world, we’ve come to appreciate how video calling (or Facetiming) helps foster affection and intimacy across state lines.

During busier days, don’t forget to send text messages. Studies have shown how text messaging is the most frequently used form of communication in long-distance relationships because it provides assurances, expresses affection, and communicates emotions. Depending on your and your loved ones’ boundaries, consider texting “good morning,” “good night,” and some highlights of your day just to keep each other updated.    

Plan and establish fun activities with loved ones

Even though you’re hundreds of miles apart, it’s still possible — and encouraged — to plan fun activities with your loved ones that you can look forward to every week. You and your loved ones can do online game nights and watch movies together, such as using services where you can stream shows and movies with a group of people and interact on a group chat. You can also participate in online fitness challenges together, allowing you to hit your communication needs and fitness goals.

Romantic partners can set up Zoom date nights, where each partner orders food for the other and has it delivered. You can also do hobbies, such as crocheting or crafting, at the same time while Facetiming. Even routine aspects of the day, such as grocery shopping or cooking, can be done together while on a call. Discover which activity and time work best to establish virtual fun routines that can bring you closer together.

Keep yourself busy and maintain your independence

Regardless of proximity, people in relationships should maintain their independence and keep themselves happy, fulfilled, and growing. When you are happy, content, and have a sense of autonomy, you’re able to be a better partner, child, parent, friend, and individual. To foster a thriving relationship, it’s crucial to strike a balance between independence and togetherness.

Don’t forget to prioritize your physical and mental well-being with strategies such as exercising, meditating, and eating well. It’s also a good idea to regularly reflect upon your core values or the things that matter most to you, which will help you find a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy, and help you set healthy boundaries.